The Exporter must sign a membership and consignment agreement with Export Online, so goods can be delivered directly to the ¨smart warehouse¨ consignee address in the U.S., and then, Export Online will take care of the whole process.
Exporters prepare the goods according to the permitted limits for this type of operation in each country, and a DHL, FedEx or any other Courier company of your choice, will pick them up from your factory, warehouse, home or office.
The Exporter must first consult with the Courier if the material to be shipped to the U.S. is permitted and find the limits of weight and volume per shipment. The Courier company generally offers standardized boxes for shipments which use the ¨simplified method¨, commonly called ¨Door-to-Door system¨.
It is recommended that the Exporter opens an account with one or more Courier companies, and call them to schedule the pick up of goods. The Consignee will always be the Export Online warehouse facilities in the U.S.
To view an animated sequence of a ¨simplified export method¨ we recommend watching the video, an export-import sequence, at the Home page.