Our customers choose us for the ability to unite and have control over all the processes involved in an export , from the time of the initial shipment, to the effective delivery of every product in the final destination.
We have been looking for leather golf shoes for many months. We know the best brands are from Spain. We just got a contact in Mallorca, and they plan to send the first shipment to the U.S. this month.
In my last trip to Tokyo, I attended an electronic show at the Big Sight Convention Center. I got a lot of samples that I could not carry with myself on my trip back. I have an account with Export Online since 2014 so I went to Yamato Courier, packed and shipped everything to the warehouse in the U.S. Now I am organizing sending each sample to different distributors all located in different states.
I am looking to import hand-made baby clothing from South America. I contacted many firms, and suggested the exporters to use Export Online, so I can get the products, directly in the US, as I am also located in NE coast.
We buy plasma consumables for cutting metal sheets. Our current supplier is a U.S. company located in the N.E. . We used to order the necessary for a 60-day cycle, but each shipment was getting too expensive. It was there that the vendor offered to reduce the price if we bought a large batch at once . We finally decided to make a major purchase and hire the Export Online trading services to store products in the Bristol warehouse. They split the whole order in different shipments according to our working cycles. As an extra benefit, a company that uses the same parts, located in Spain, order from us some pieces, and Export Online dealt with the export, delivery and payment.